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- ; the next part will open a window on the screen, print text in it,
- ; wait a few seconds, and close it again.
- ; NOTE **** the window will be on the WORKBENCH-screen so it is NOT
- ; visible in the ASMONE-screen. Switch to the workbench screen if you
- ; wanna look at it.
- ; How this program works: A window on the Amiga can be threated
- ; just as a FILE: you use the same routines
- ; to open a file on disk (df0:) as to open a window (con: or raw:)
- ; A filename on disks is something like df0:s/startup-sequence.
- ; The 'filename' for a window is: "CON:x1/y1/x2/y2/name" where you
- ; must fill in x1..y2 with the start- and end-coordinates of the
- ; window. for example if you open a file called
- ; "CON:0/0/640/256/testwindow", a window with titlebar "testwindow"
- ; will appear with maximum size.
- ; You can use this way of opening a window ANYwhere, so also in
- ; CLI-commands. Try for example:
- ; COPY df0:s/startup-sequence CON:0/0/640/256/MyWindow
- ; this will copy the contents of the st.seq. not to a usual file but
- ; to a window !
- ; ANYWAY... HERE IT IS....
- START: movem.l d0-a6,-(a7) ; save all registers on stack
- ; because we use commands in the DOSlibrary, we must find out where
- ; this lib is, we use the 'openlib' command.
- move.l $4,a6 ; 'openlib' is an EXEC routine
- ; so load the startaddress of
- ; the execlib.
- move.l #doslibname,a1 ; a1 must contain the address
- ; where we typed the library's
- ; name.
- jsr -408(a6) ; now call the 'openlib' routy
- move.l d0,dosbase ; The result is the base of
- ; the specified library, or
- beq.s error ; zero if it wasn't found.
- ; at this point, we are ready to use the doslib-commands. Opening
- ; a window now is nothing more than opening a file with the special
- ; name 'CON:.....' (see top of source) Then you can 'WRITE' anything
- ; to this window just like you would write it to a file,
- ; So you should now see that you could use the next routine to put
- ; some text in ANY file, so also one on disk or printer. Just
- ; change the filename to DF0:BLABLA or PRT: or anything you like.
- OPEN: ; the dos-'OPEN' command is used to open a file. It needs 2
- ; parameters: d1 and d2
- move.l #filename,d1 ; address where the filename
- ; is situated must be loaded
- ; into d1
- move.l #1006,d2 ; d2 must contain the 'mode'
- ; 1006 means 'open_old':
- ; open an existing file for
- ; reading.
- ; 1005 means 'open_new':
- ; open a new fiel for output
- move.l dosbase,a6 ; Load the base of the doslib
- jsr -30(a6) ; Call routine at -30 in the
- ; doslib. This is 'OPEN'
- move.l d0,filehandle ; the result is the 'handle'
- ; to this file. if it's zero,
- ; some error ocurred, in that
- beq.w error ; case goto the errorroutine
- WRITE: ; the dos-'write' command needs 3 parameters: d1, d2 and d3...
- move.l filehandle,d1 ; d1 must contain the handle
- ; of our file.
- move.l #text,d2 ; d2 must contain the address
- ; where our data (text) is
- ; located.
- move.l #endoftext-text,d3 ; d3 must contain the size of
- ; the datablock, which is the
- ; end-address minus the start-
- ; address.
- move.l dosbase,a6
- jsr -48(a6) ; call the 'Write' command
- DELAY: ; this command needs 1 parameter: d1
- move.l #100,d1 ; d1 is the time to delay.
- ; time in seconds = value/50
- ; for example move.l #100,d1
- ; is same as wait 2 seconds.
- move.l dosbase,a6
- jsr -198(a6) ; call the 'delay' command.
- CLOSE: ; now close the file, opened with the OPEN command. This will in this
- ; case close the window.
- move.l filehandle,d1 ; d1 must contain the file-
- ; handle.
- move.l dosbase,a6
- jsr -36(a6) ; call the 'close' command.
- error: movem.l (a7)+,d0-a6 ; restore all registers
- rts ; end of program
- ***************************
- ;; Here starts the DATA part. Make sure it is situated BEHIND the code-part
- doslibname: dc.b "dos.library",0
- filename: dc.b "RAW:0/0/200/100/test",0
- text: dc.b "Yeah, this is just a simple TEST",10,0
- endoftext:
- even ; force the next data to even boundary
- dosbase: dc.l 0
- filehandle: dc.l 0